Friday 28 May 2010


My dearests,

It's been a great year... and it was a great dinner yesterday, a great beer (well, more than one), great vod..., great music!! LOL! ;-P

Thanks a lot to you all for your presents!!!

Change in dates!

As I told you last Thursday, remember that the date to review your exams will be on Thursday 10 June, from 18:00 to 20:00, ok??

Here you are a link where you can find a lot of activities related to the contents we have worked on during this course.
And here, a series of cloze texts for you tu practice a little...

Guys, do not worry, everything will be OK!!!
If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to contcact me...

Have a nice weekend and see you on Monday!!

Here you are the results for the "grammar" copies I gave you last Tuesday...

5A.- quantifiers
2.- too much, 3.- a lot of, 4.- little, 5.- How many, 6.-None, 7.- a lot of, 8.- enough time, 9.-any, 10.-plenty, 11.- A few, 12.- little, 13.-too, 14.- few, 15.- too much, 16.- enough, 17.-no.

5B.- articles
a) 2.-a, 3.-a, 4.-The, 5.-the, 6.-a, 7.-The, 8.-a, 9.-a, 10.-(-), 11.-(-), 12.- the, 13.- The, 14.-(-)

b) 1.- (-), 2.- (-), 3.- a, 4.-a, 5.-a, 6.-the, 7.-a, 8.-a, 9.-the

c) 1.- (-), 2.-(-), 3.- The, 4.- (-), 5.-a, 6.-(-), 7.-a, 8.-a, 9.-(-), 10.- the, 11.-a, 12.- (-), 13.-(-), 14.- the

5C.-gerunds and infinitives.

  1. example
  2. spending
  3. to talk
  4. to be able
  5. to explain
  6. going
  7. to spend
  8. to know
  9. to ask
  10. to read
  11. guessing
  12. to do
  1. example
  2. to do
  3. Getting
  4. losing
  5. to wait
  6. being
  7. thinking
  8. to ask
  9. to go
  10. to book
  1. example
  2. to go
  3. to go
  4. go
  5. go
  6. to go
  7. go
6A.- reported speech
  1. example
  2. would have to
  3. were goint to
  4. this could
  5. 'd/had just come
  6. 'd/had agreed
  7. hoped
  8. would agree
  9. had to
  1. who he thought would be the next President of the UN.
  2. if more countries would be present at the next meeting.
  3. if he had discussed that with the US president
  4. what the rich countries should do to eliminate world poverty.
  1. asked us to put our seatbelts on
  2. told her boyfriend not to worry
  3. told us not to cheat
  4. asked his friend to slow down
  5. asked me not to tell
6B.- passive: be + past participle
  1. example
  2. were used
  3. will be seen
  4. have been made
  5. was nominated
  6. was paid
  7. was being made, was asked
  8. had been murdered
  9. asked me not to tell
  1. example
  2. was directed
  3. is set
  4. is sent
  5. takes
  6. speaks
  7. falls
  8. is rescued
  9. learns
  10. was written
  11. have been sold
6C.-relative clauses
  1. example
  2. which
  3. which
  4. which
  5. who
  6. which
  7. where
  8. who
  9. whose
b) 2,3,4,5,6,8

c) 3,6

  1. example
  2. whose best known painting is Guernica
  3. which is the capital of Australia
  4. where I used to work
  5. whose daughter is the local doctor
  6. who died in 2006
  7. which was the worst for over 75 years
  8. who is a clothes designer

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Answer keys...prepositions

Here you are...
(since this is a very looong post, please, notice that below there is a video and below that, you will find the final list for the Oral Exam!!!!)

Unit 114, in case someone was lost...

  1. example
  2. on 21 July 1969
  3. on Saturdays (with S, my mistake yesterday! :$)
  4. at night
  5. at the age of five
  6. in the 1920's
  7. at the same time
  8. in 1917
  9. at the moment ... in about five minutes.
  1. on...on
  4. in
  5. at
  6. in
  7. on
  11. at
  12. in
  13. On
  14. on
  15. at
  16. on
  18. on
  19. in
  20. at
  21. at
  22. in
  23. at
  24. on
  25. in
Unit 117
  1. on the bottle
  2. at the gate
  3. in an armchair...on the wall
  4. at the top of the the bottom of the stairs
  5. He's looking (at himself) in the mirror
  6. on the second floor
  7. in the back of the car
  8. at the back (or in the back row)
  9. on the left...on the right
  10. on the door
  11. at/on the corner (of the street)
  12. in the corner (of the room)
  1. example
  2. on the right
  3. on my way to work
  4. in the Swiss Alps
  5. on the west coast
  6. at the window
  7. on the third floor
  8. on the fornt page of the newspaper
  9. in the front row
  10. at the back of the class
  11. on the back of the envelope
  1. in
  2. at/on
  3. on
  4. at
  5. in
  7. At
  8. at
  9. in
  10. in...on
  11. on
  12. in
  13. on
  14. on...on
  15. at
  16. on
  17. on
  18. on
Unit 118
  1. example
  2. in bed
  3. at the cinema
  4. in prison
  5. on a farm
  6. at school
  7. at the National Theatre
  8. in hospital
  9. at sea
  10. at the airport
  1. at
  2. at
  3. in
  4. at bed
  5. at/in
  6. at/in
  7. at
  8. at
  10. in
  1. in
  2. at
  3. in
  4. at
  5. arrive home (no preposition)
  6. at
  7. in
  8. at
  9. in
  10. arrived home (no preposition)


Lista examen oral definitiva...

Hola a todos,

Aquí os dejo la lista definitiva para el examen hay algún problema me lo comentais el jueves...

Mas cositas,
1.- Please, procurad estar antes de tiempo...para organizarnos, ir al servicio, tomaros una tila, controlar las "caticardias"...etc...
2.- Traed el DNI, muy importante...Y EL MOVIL APAGADO!!!
3.- Os recuerdo que el examen hay que hacerlo a boli (azul o negro, según vuestros gustos o la moda del momento)
4.-Hay que leer atentamente el examen antes de empezar, teneis tiempo de sobra para completar la tarea, así que por favor, prestad atención a los enunciados y REPASAD TODO ANTES DE ENTREGARLO!!


Monday 24 May 2010

Examenes Junio y Septiembre

Queridos todos;

Aquí os dejo toda la información referente a los examenes de Junio y Septiembre. Por favor, apuntad todo bien, que luego no haya confusiones...


El examen escrito será el Lunes 31 de Mayo a partir de las 4 y media en nuestro aula. Para que todo vaya bien y tengamos tiempo suficiente para desarrollar la prueba con tranquilidad, intentad llegar con 5 minutillos de adelanto para organizarnos...ok?

Os recuerdo que empezaremos con el reading (un texto a leer con actividad asociada y un cloze (texto con huecos)). Teneis 75 minutos (hora y cuarto) para hacerlo.
Luego un descanso de 5 min. sin salir de clase y el listening (2 audios).
Entonces tendreis 15 min. de descanso otra vez y volveremos con los 2 writings, que tendreis que terminar en 75 min.

MUY IMPORTANTE. Durante los descansos procurad no quedaos en el pasillo y salid en silencio, tened en cuenta que vuestros compañeros continuarán con sus examenes...(lo mismo se aplica a la espera para el examen oral).

El examen oral será el día siguiente, 1 de Junio a partir de las 4...aqui teneis la repasaremos en clase, ya me direis si necesitais algun cambio. Acordaos que teneis 7 min. para preparar la tarea y luego 3 min. de exposición y alrededor de 4 min. de interaccion. Como terminaremos todos sobre las ocho, propongo ir esperando a los compañeros en la cantina y tomarnos una cañita todos juntos al final... para despedir bien el curso :P

Si alguien necesita un certificado para el justificar en el trabajo que ha hecho un examen oficial (por ley os tienen que dar el día) pedídmelo cuanto antes, que lo tiene que firmar la directora también.

MUY IMPORTANTE: Las notas se publicarán oficialmente el 28 de Junio en los tablones y supongo que en la nueva página de la escuela Nosotros tendremos la revisión de exámenes el dia Lunes 14 de Junio de 18:00 a 20:00. Este día podeis venir a ver vuestros examenes y obviamente a conocer los resultados, pero esto es extraoficial, ok? es decir, no se va a publicar nada hasta el 28. El que no pueda venir que me mande un email que le contestaré con sus notas...(mandádmelo al email de la escuela y al personal de gmail para asegurarnos de que llegue). Es muy importante que, aunque vengais a la revisión el dia 14, reviseis las listas de notas el 28 de Junio por si hubeira algún error.

Para el examen oral y la revisión de exámenes aun no tenemos aula asignada...intentaré poner un cartel en la entrada esos dias, si no, preguntad por mi en reprografía (conserjería).

Yo estaré por el centro los dias de examen, y de atención al cliente (alumnos) la tarde de revisión a partir de las cinco y el martes 22 de cinco a ocho, para cualquier duda o consulta que querais hacer...
El martes 29 también, aunque no es seguro, ya que muy probablemente esté pringada con mi examen de oposición.

Para aquellos que no pasen (o no se presenten) a alguna de las partes del examen, sólo tendrán que presentarse de esa/s parte/s. Las partes aprobadas en Junio, aprobadas están. Si alguien no pasa alguna parte en Septiembre, lamentablemente tendrá que repetir curso y volver a hacer todo el examen el próximo año. Acordaros que teneis 3 años para pasar de nivel (4 años para básico 1 y 2, otros 4 para intermedio 1 y2, y otros 4 para avanzado 1 y 2).

El dia del examen escrito será el Jueves 9 de Septiembre a las 4:30. Como seguramente no lo hareis por clases sino todos juntos, os pido que esteis con 10 min. de adelanto para que no haya problemas de organización. Os recuerdo que yo no estaré por allí, pero encontrareis otros profes muy simpáticos que os ayudarán en todo lo que necesiteis...

El día para el examen oral lo anunciarán con suficiente antelación, no os preocupeis...aún no está fijado porque dependerá de la disponibilidad de los profesores que se encuentren en la escuela en ese momento. Tendreis que estar pendientes, ok?

La publicación oficial de las notas será el día 23 de Septiembre. Aseguraos de mirarlo por si hubiera algún error. A partir de ahí, se publicarán las fechas de matriculación (esperemos) de intermedio 2.


Ha sido genial trabajar con vosotros, me lo he pasado estupendamente!!! estoy a vuestra disposición para cualquier cosa que necesiteis. ok??


Friday 14 May 2010

14th March Lesson

Hi there!!

Yesterday we were talking about English & Spanish TV (7C), and reviewing some phrasal verbs that you will have to LEARN BY HEART (that is, to memorize). Next day we will work on the reading section and the writing, so be ready...

And to finish this musical week...(I think) this is the song Cecilia tried to sing yesterday...have a look to the lyrics, did you know who was she talking about?

If God had a name, what would it be
And would you call it to his face
If you were faced with him in all his glory
What would you ask if you had just one question

And yeah yeah God is great yeah yeah God is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home

If God had a face what would it look like
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that you would have to believe
In things like heaven and in jesus and the saints and all the prophets

And yeah yeah god is great yeah yeah god is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
He's trying to make his way home
Back up to heaven all alone
Nobody calling on the phone
Except for the pope maybe in rome

And yeah yeah God is great yeah yeah God is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What if god was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
Just trying to make his way home
Like a holy rolling stone
Back up to heaven all alone
Just trying to make his way home
Nobody calling on the phone
Except for the pope maybe in rome

Wednesday 12 May 2010

People from Lorca in the BBC!!!

Hi there again today!!!

Here you are a link (courtesy of Antonia, thanks Antonia!!) were there is an interview to an Spanish group called "Jardares por fuera" of them is from Lorca. Go straight to minute 1:01.20, and you will listen the song they sing live in the studio just before the interview...

Have fun!!

11th May Lesson

Hi there...

Yesterday we finished unit 6. My dears, we are entering the final stage!!

There is an end (The Greenhornes)

Words disappear,
Words weren't so clear,
Only echos passing through the night.

The lines on my face,
Your fingers once traced,
Fading reflection of what was.

Thoughts re-arrange,
Familar now strange,
All my skin is drifting on the wind.

Spring brings the rain,
With winter comes pain,
Every season has an end.

I try to see through the disguise,
But the clouds were there,
Blocking out the sun (the sun).

Thoughts re-arrange,
Familar now strange,
All my skin is drifting on the wind.

Spring brings the rain,
With winter comes pain,
Every season has an end.

There's an end,
There's an end,
There's an end,
There's an end,
There's an end.

Remember to do the Vocabulary and Grammar sections in 7B, and read the text in the Reading section too...

Have a nice day!!

Radiohead..."No surprises"

Hi there!!

Jesus asked me (via comments) to include this song in the blog, it is one of his favourites... If any other request, DJ-teacher at your service!!

Here you are the lyrics. Leave your comment...What is he talking about??
(click on comments, at the end of the post, just beside the pencil)

A heart that's full up like a landfill,
a job that slowly kills you,
bruises that won't heal.
You look so tired-unhappy,
bring down the government,
they don't, they don't speak for us.
I'll take a quiet life,
a handshake of carbon monoxide,

with no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises,
Silence, silence.

This is my final fit,
my final bellyache

with no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises please.

Such a pretty house
and such a pretty garden.

No alarms and no surprises (get me outta here),
no alarms and no surprises (get me outta here),
no alarms and no surprises, please.

Sunday 9 May 2010

Sunday Girl...

Sunday girl, ready to study before going to the beach...definetely it isn't raining...

Have a nice day you all!!

Saturday 8 May 2010

6th May Lesson

Good morning!!

Homework for next lesson: What do you remember? and What can you do? sections Unit 6, and Vocabulary sections on pages 103 and 107 ...

Please, I'm still waiting for some of your CVs...

Next Tuesday we will talk about TV, a very interesting topic...

Here you are the links to some TV channels in the UK other than the well-konwn BBC.

These are ITV, Channel 4 and Five...have a look at them!!

Wednesday 5 May 2010

4th May Lesson

My dear students...

I'm still wating some of your CVs...please!!

Yesterday we were working on unit 6B, fighting against the PASSIVE and learning some new vocabulary about films... Next day we will try to do the writing on page 97, so do the previous activities. And read the text on page 104!!

Here you are some exercises to practise the passive... Domingo!!

Free Rice...

Hi there,

Here you are a very interesting link I discovered last week...

It is a webpage where you will find something like:






This is a game to play. You have to click on the synonym you think is the correct one and so on...If you get it right, FreeRice donates 10 grains of rice to help end hunger. In the example above, you would want to click on .little,. which means .small.. You will then get a chance to do another word the same way. You can play as long as you like and donate as much rice as you like. When you are finished, you do not have to do anything, your donation is already counted.
The rice is paid for by the sponsors whose names you see on the bottom of your screen when you enter a correct answer.
If you click on subjects, you will find some other topics to play with...have fun!!!

Monday 3 May 2010

Link on some exercises

Please, click on this link, where you will find very useful activities to practise all the contents we have seen these last weeks...

It is a very interesting blog by a wonderful teacher called Ainhoa (EOI Totana). Maybe you'll meet her next year, who knows??

Sunday 2 May 2010

A nice English film

Hey guys!!

A funny film to watch...Keeping mum.

Here you are part one and the following ones...

Hope you enjoy it!!

welcome back to myself...

Hi there!!

It's been a long time since my last post...but I'm back!!

Mel, Cecilia-cee and MJ, thanks for your comments...

My dear students...please, remember your CV and the covering letter!! and the grammar point and vocabulary in section 6B (including the grammar and vocabulary banks!!)

...and to start the week, two other songs, courtesy of Cecilia-cee...there are two links in the chat...have a look at them!!